Letter from the Alumni Association Presidents

Aug 11 2017

Dear Fellow Columbia Engineers:

Warm greetings from Morningside Heights! As the spring semester comes to a close, and as projects and problem sets consume our School’s students, we remember fondly our own late nights in the Mudd building and send our sympathies to those courageous souls who are hard at work training to become the future alumni of Columbia Engineering. The end of the academic year and, for seniors, the excitement of graduation, is just around the corner.

As engineers, we are trained to constantly seek out innovative work-arounds, efficiencies, and solutions. In this spirit, Dean Boyce and the School’s administrators have been hard at work developing a comprehensive vision to guide our School into its next phase of growth. In close collaboration with the Engineering faculty, the Dean has begun foundational efforts to spotlight the countless ways Columbia Engineering researchers are positively impacting lives around the world in areas where creative solutions are most needed. We are energized by this encompassing vision and hope you will watch for further details in the months ahead as “Engineering for Humanity” is rolled out.

In the meantime, our work as alumni remains unchanged: supporting the School we love in any way we can. If you’ve participated in programming, attended an event, interviewed prospective students through the University’s ARC initiative, or supported the Annual Fund with a contribution, then you already know how vibrant and active our alumni community can be. If you haven’t yet had a chance, we encourage all Columbia Engineering alumni to check out your local regional Columbia Club, make plans to attend a Reunion event, or connect to the CEAA and CEYA via our websites and Facebook pages for upcoming events and programs: cuengineeringalumni.org and facebook.com/myceya.

Professor Emeritus Rene B. Testa MS'60, EngScD'63 
Columbia Engineering Alumni Association

Jessica Aspis Wender BS'08, '13BUS 
Columbia Engineering Young Alumni

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