Van-Anh Truong
338 S.W. Mudd
Van-Anh Truong designs and analyzes optimization methods for solving decision problems in information-rich and highly dynamic environments. She has worked on novel methods for solving core classes of models in Supply Chain Management, Healthcare, and Business Analytics, for example, the timing and sequencing of machine purchases in semiconductor manufacturing; the replenishment of vaccines in public stockpiles; the admission control of patients in healthcare facilities; the selection and framing of product assortments in e-commerce; and the dynamic optimization of mobile push ads in mobile commerce.
Research Interests
Business analytics, healthcare operations, service systems, revenue management.Of particular interest to Truong are real-time optimization problems that arise in large e-commerce, healthcare, and service applications. She has collaborated extensively with industry partners in these domains.
Truong received a Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo in 2004 and a PhD in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University in 2007. She received an NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award in 2017.
Professional Experience
- Assistant professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Columbia University, 2010–present.
- Quantitative Researcher, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, Dec 2008-Jun 2010.
- Quantitative Associate, Credit Suisse Securities, New York, NY, 2007-2008.
- Revenue Management and Pricing Society
- Health Applications Society
- Service Science Section
- Women In ORMS Forum
Honors & Awards
NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award, 2017.
Selected Publications
- Wang, X. and V. A. Truong. Multi-priority Online Scheduling with Cancellations. To appear in Operations Research (2015).
- V. A. Truong. Optimal Advance Scheduling. Management Science, 61(7):1584-1597 (2015).
- Truong, V. A. The Multi-period Stochastic Inventory Problem: Approximation Algorithm via a Look-Ahead Optimization Approach. Mathematics of Operations Research, 39(4) pp. 1039-1056 (2014).
- Huh, T., Liu, N., and V. A. Truong. Multi-resource Allocation Scheduling in Dynamic Environments. Manufacturing & Services Operations Management 15(2), pp. 280-291 (2013). Presented at MSOM Healthcare SIG Conference, 2012.
- Levi, R., R. Roundy, V. A. Truong, and X. Wang. Provably Near-Optimal Balancing Policies for Stochastic Multi-Echelon Inventory Control Models. Mathematics of Operations Research, Articles in Advance (2016).
- Truong, V. A. and R. Roundy. Multi-Dimensional Approximation Algorithms for Capacity-Expansion Problems. Operations Research 59 (2), pp. 313-327 (2011).
- Sapra A., V. A. Truong and R. Q. Zhang. How much Demand Should be Fulfilled? Operations Research 58 (3), pp. 719-733 (2010).
- Ford, D., Labelle, F., Popovici F., Stokely, M., Truong, V.A., Barroso, L., Grimes, C. and S. Quinlan. Availability in Globally Distributed Storage Systems. Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (2010).
- Levi, R., R. Roundy, D. Shmoys and V. A. Truong. Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Stochastic Inventory Models. Operations Research, 56 (5), pp. 1184-1199 (2008).
- Truong, V. A. and L. Tuncel . Geometry of Homogeneous Cones, Duality Mapping and Optimal Self-Concordant Barriers. Mathematical Programming, 100(2), pp. 295-316 (2004).